Sunday, August 18, 2013

The Mystery of Underwater Crop Circles

Underwater Circles

The mystery underwater circles have been researched since 1995, until its mystery was revealed of the discovery of its particular maker. Lisa Raffensperger, a writer from the Discover Magazine, writes about the five inch male putterfish's creation to attract female putterfish to reproduce. The patterned circles are seven feet in diameter and are created by the fish swimming in and out repeatedly, using its fins to dig dents in the sandy bottom. It takes the fish about seven to nine days to complete the "... spirograph patterns," as the article recalls were the circle has a center meant for the nest of the eggs the female will lay after mating. After the eggs have been laid the putterfish leaves them and goes to a new spot were he will create a new circle again. This article is very rare to me because I have never paid any attention to any behavior a fish can have, other than knowing about clownfish and their home in anemones, and this is a shocking article to me. It comes to my attention all the things a male animal can do in order to attract a female for matting.

Picture taken from web article

Raffensperger, Lisa. "The Mystery of Underwater Crop Circles, Explained - D-brief |" Discover. Kalambach Publising Co., 15 Aug. 2013. Web. 19 Aug. 2013.

1 comment:

  1. adriana, this was a very interesting blog post! I really liked reading about this topic, good job!
